Mastering Your Weekly Rhythm: A Guide to Spaciously Scaling Your Productivity

My weekly rhythm method is my intentional approach to time blocking. I know that certain days of the week are to focus on different things. I find myself being really unproductive if I'm task switching between too many different styles of tasks (ie content creation + client work) so this approach helps me get into a state of deep work.  Although my intention is never really to follow it 100% - I like to have white space in my calendar, I shuffle things around as needed etc but just having a guide is SO helpful. 

This is something I've been doing for years and I love it! It always makes me feel so ontop of all the different areas of biz + life I want to focus on and it took me around 30-45 minutes in total!

Here's the steps to take/questions to sit if you want to set up your weekly rhythm.

1. ASK: What are my main focuses (in both business and your personal life) for Q1 and Q2 (as you'll probably need to start prepping for this this quarter)
For example for me in Q1 my main business focus is launching a new offer, community growth, I have revenue goal I want to hit and in my personal life is creating a consistent morning/evening practice and completing Phase 1 of Live Hard (still can't believe I completed 75 hard last year hehe).

 ASK: What other commitments do I already have that need to be taken into account in my schedule? and what is the time commitment roughly?
For me this looks like the dedicated hours of client work I have each week, regular appointments (ie my weekly chiro appt), a date night with my partner as well as some programs I'm currently enrolled in which I want to make sure I have dedicated time for each week.

3. ASK: What actions do I need to have consistent time for in my schedule considering these focuses + commitments?
For me this is lots of open creative time to work on my new offer and content, space in the morning for movement + mindset work (and also a shut down process at the end of the day so I don't feel stressed to get back to work the next morning), dedicated time for engaging with my community and scheduled time for my client work. 

4.  DECIDE: Themes for each day. This is key for me to not be switching between too many different types of tasks. You can also use the planetary days of the week to support you in this if you're cool. 
This is what my themes look like. I create an all day recurring task in my google cal so I can see it at the top of my weekly schedule as a little reminder (yes I live by my gcal).

You'll see I have some days that are split between both working in my business and in my clients business  and I also have Friday as a catch up day so anything that doesn't get done earlier in the week I'll do then, or take the day off or whatever I feel inspired to do. These are also just the main themes of the day, of course tasks that don't align with the theme will pop up and thats okay! (for example I'll be checking in with my team about client work daily) 

5. DECIDE: Ideal working hours
What time do you want to start/finish work ideally. For example my ideal start time for work isn't until mid morning but I also have a client based in the US and we often have calls at 6AM - which is obviously not ideal HAHA but it works so on those days I'll just shift my day to accomodate. 

Now that you've got a clear idea on what you need to focus on each day you can go ahead and add in some timeblocks to your calendar! It's important that these aren't specific tasks but blocks of time you'll use to focus on things that fall into that category - this is key to not feeling like a slave to your calendar. I also like to create separate calendars in my google cal so I can colour code everything and it also don't block out availability on my scheduling tool which is linked to my main calendar. 
Here's a peak at my Wed-Fri schedule below. 
*Also to note I love to overestimate. Ie I probably won't always spend 3 and a half hours every morning working out, getting ready etc but if I get it all done in 2 hours it kinda feels like a win! 

And thats it!! Plug it in to your schedule and then reflect back in a couple of weeks and see how it feels. Remember, this is a guideeeee only - I also recommend having it a part of your weekly routine to look at the week ahead and shuffle anything around that you need to week to week. 

If you’re looking for more ways to explore how to make business feel more spacious check out this instagram reel I shared.


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