Online Courses: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities for 2024

As we're nearing 2024, the chatter in the coaching world is undeniable: "Are courses a thing of the past?" Let’s unravel this digital-age mystery together.

You may have stumbled upon opinions suggesting that courses are dead, with no one batting an eye at them anymore. If you've built your business around courses, these whispers might feel more like alarm bells.

So, are courses gasping their last breath? Nope. They're just evolving.

**The Reality of the Course Market**

First off, courses aren't disappearing into the digital sunset. However, the online space is undergoing a necessary shift. Modern consumers, equipped with more information at their fingertips than ever, have turned into savvy digital detectives, often side-eyeing flashy marketing tricks. Yes, the coaching industry is alive and well, but ensuring your courses resonate requires more than just a library of training videos and recorded zooms. It demands active engagement and genuine value.

A noticeable pattern is the growing hesitation around online courses. Past experience where purchasers have felt short-changed with subpar experience play a major part here (that I too have experience first hand). And of course the fact that people are a little more risk averse when it comes to parting way with their hard earned cash given the current economic conditions..

**Experience: The Game Changer**

All this to say, people are still buying courses and programs, but in this landscape, what truly sets a course apart? A holistic and enriching experience. Modern buyers don’t just seek content; they value the entire learning journey. They're looking for:

  • Community Engagement: A space where interactions are meaningful, and every member feels seen and heard.

  • Tailored Support: The availability of personalised assistance, be it through personalised feedback, coaching or hybrid 1:1 offers

  • Accountability Measures: Systems to keep people motivated and on track.

**A quick case study**

I recently had a conversation with one of my clients as we were reflecting on two of her recent launches - One for a high ticket (mid multi 5 figure investment) group program which includes intimate small groups, 1:1 support and a curriculum personalised to the group.

The other is a lower ticket (~1k) offer that doesn't have any personalised support other than a community space to connect.

An the results? She had close to double the number of people in her high-ticket offer compared to her lower ticket one - which was not the plan!

Having worked intimately in the behind the scenes with coaches over the past few years, my key takeaway is this: While course formats and delivery might change, the core principle remains the same. Quality, engagement, and value never go out of style. As we navigate the coming years, it's these elements, coupled with adaptability, that will shape the future of digital courses.


P.S Later this year I'll be launching a brand new offer designed to support you with the tangible steps to creating and launching your most profitable offer yet .. you can join the waitlist here.



Mastering Your Weekly Rhythm: A Guide to Spaciously Scaling Your Productivity


The #1 tool you need as a course creator in 2024